Taiwan Movie Romance Comedy (You Are The Apple Of My Eyes)

You Are The Apple Of My Eye (2011)
Download You are the apple of my eyes
Negara            :    Taiwan                                                                                  Ratings : 7.8/10 (imdb)
Tanggal Rilis   :   19 Agustus 2011                                                                      Ratings : 9.5/10 (personal)
Durasi              :   109 menit

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Thai Movie Romance Comedy Movie (Hello Stranger)

Hello Stranger (2010)download hello stranger
Tanggal rilis  : 19 Agustus 2010               Ratings : 7.6/10 (imdb)
Negara          : Thailand                         Ratings : 8.3/10 (personal)
Durasi            : 121 menit

Thai Movie Asia Romance Comedy Movie (A Little Thing Called Love a.k.a First Love)

A Little Thing Called Love (2010)

Tanggal rilis : 12 Agustus 2010                         Ratings : 7.7 / 10 (imdb)
Durasi           :  118 menit                                 Ratings : 8.6 /10 (personal)
Negara          : Thailand

Thai Movie Asia Romance Comedy Movie (ATM : Er Rak Error) (recommended)

ATM : Er Rak Error  (2012)

Poster-ATM-theme-Sit-1-mbTanggal rilis    : 19 Januari 2012              Ratings (imdb)      : 7.4/10
Durasi            : 121 Menit                       Ratings (personal) : 8.7/10
Negara           : Thailand

Pelengkap After Effect (Action Essentials 2 & Real Clouds) Part 2

Halo sob jumpa lagi dengan ane ,hari ini ane mau bagi pelengkap after effect sebelumnya ane uda bagikan Designer Sound FX & Optical Flares sekarang ane mau bagi Action Essentials & Real Clouds yang engga kalah keren dengan part 1nya
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